CLICK HERE TO WATCH TAYAPRO MEDIVERSE DOCUMENTARY Or click the link to schedule a 15-minute discovery session: https://calendly.com/drbtano-1/introduction Or click the link to schedule a 15-minute discovery session: https://calendly.com/drbtano-1/introduction Or click the link to schedule a 15-minute discovery session: https://calendly.com/drbtano-1/introduction CLICK HERE TO WATCH TAYAPRO MEDIVERSE DOCUMENTARY UNTIL THE END
Dear Friends,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and good spirits. We are delighted to invite you, our valued patients, dedicated physicians, esteemed healthcare professionals, and aspiring medical and other healthcare students to join the Tayapro Mediverse community.
The Tayapro Mediverse is a digital haven offering an extensive library of resources to enhance your understanding of optimal health and wellness. These resources include digital books, enlightening audiobooks, documentaries, engaging video courses, and live on-demand courses. We have carefully curated this collection to empower our community members with transformative knowledge. These invaluable resources are available in multiple languages, including English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, with plans for translation into many more languages as our community's interest grows.
One of the highlights of Tayapro Mediverse is our weekly Saturday gatherings, where we come together for two enlightening hours of question-and-answer sessions. Our team of healthcare professionals and other experts in their fields is committed to answering your questions, sharing expert insights, and fostering a collaborative environment dedicated to optimal health and wellness. These sessions are recorded for your convenience so you can revisit them at your leisure.
To access this wealth of knowledge and interactive sessions, we are introducing a small subscription fee of $50 per month, paid annually ($600 per year), giving you unlimited access to the Tayapro Mediverse library and many offerings.
We invite you to embark on this remarkable journey to optimal health and wellness by joining Tayapro Mediverse community. Your presence and participation would enormously enrich our collective knowledge and experience.
Join us today and become part of a community that thrives on the pursuit of optimal health and wellness. We look forward to your presence and active participation in Tayapro Mediverse.
To join and subscribe to our community, please visit https://tayapro.com/tayapromedivese/shop/product/access-to-tayapro-mediverse-yearly-subscription or contact us at 952-522-4949 for any inquiries.
Or click the link to schedule a 15-minute discovery session: https://calendly.com/drbtano-1/introduction
Thank you for considering our invitation, and we hope to welcome you to Tayapro Mediverse soon.
Benoît Tano, MD PhD, Director of programs
Lettre ouverte à nos amis:
Chers amis,
J’espère que cette lettre vous trouvera en bonne santé et de bonne humeur. Nous sommes ravis de vous inviter, nos précieux patients, médecins dévoués, professionnels de la santé estimés et aspirants étudiants en médecine, à rejoindre la communauté Tayapro Mediverse.
Le Tayapro Mediverse est un paradis numérique offrant une vaste bibliothèque de ressources pour améliorer votre compréhension de la santé et du bien-être optimaux. Ces ressources comprennent des livres numériques, des livres audio instructifs, des cours vidéo attrayants et des cours en direct à la demande. Nous avons soigneusement organisé cette collection pour doter les membres de notre communauté de connaissances transformatrices. Ces ressources inestimables sont disponibles dans plusieurs langues, dont l'anglais, le français, l'espagnol et le portugais, avec des projets de traduction dans de nombreuses autres langues à mesure que l'intérêt de notre communauté grandit.
L'un des points forts de Tayapro Mediverse sont nos rassemblements hebdomadaires du samedi, où nous nous réunissons pour deux heures instructives de séances de questions et réponses. Notre équipe s'engagent à répondre à vos questions, à partager leurs connaissances d'experts et à favoriser un environnement collaboratif dédié à une santé et un bien-être optimaux. Ces séances sont enregistrées pour votre commodité afin de les revoir à votre guise.
Pour accéder à cette richesse de connaissances et à ces sessions interactives, nous introduisons un petit abonnement de 50 $ par mois, payé annuellement (600 $ par an), vous donnant un accès illimité à la bibliothèque Tayapro Mediverse et à de nombreuses offres.
Nous vous invitons à vous lancer dans ce voyage remarquable vers une santé et un bien-être optimaux en rejoignant la communauté Tayapro Mediverse. Votre présence et votre participation enrichiraient énormément nos connaissances et notre expérience collectives.
Rejoignez-nous aujourd'hui et faites partie d'une communauté qui prospère grâce à la recherche d'une santé et d'un bien-être optimaux. Nous nous réjouissons de votre présence et de votre participation active à Tayapro Mediverse.
Pour rejoindre et vous abonner à notre communauté, veuillez visiter le site web: https://tayapro.com/tayapromedivese/shop/product/access-to-tayapro-mediverse-yearly-subscription, ou contactez-nous au 952-522-4949 pour toute demande de renseignements.
Merci d'avoir pris en compte notre invitation et nous espérons vous accueillir bientôt chez Tayapro Mediverse.
Benoît Tano, MD PhD
Carta aberta aos nossos amigos:
Caros amigos,
Espero que esta carta o encontre com boa saúde e bom humor. Temos o prazer de convidar vocês, nossos valiosos pacientes, médicos dedicados, estimados profissionais de saúde e aspirantes a estudantes de medicina, para se juntarem à comunidade Tayapro Mediverse.
O Tayapro Mediverse é um paraíso digital que oferece uma extensa biblioteca de recursos para aprimorar sua compreensão sobre saúde e bem-estar ideais. Esses recursos incluem livros digitais, audiolivros esclarecedores, cursos em vídeo envolventes e cursos ao vivo sob demanda. Dr. Tano fez a curadoria cuidadosa desta coleção para capacitar os membros da nossa comunidade com conhecimento transformador. Esses recursos inestimáveis ??estão disponíveis em vários idiomas, incluindo inglês, francês, espanhol e português, com planos de tradução para muitos outros idiomas à medida que o interesse da nossa comunidade aumenta.
Um dos destaques do Tayapro Mediverse são nossos encontros semanais aos sábados, onde nos reunimos para duas horas esclarecedoras de sessões de perguntas e respostas. Dr. Tano e sua equipe estão empenhados em responder às suas perguntas, compartilhar insights de especialistas e promover um ambiente colaborativo dedicado à saúde e ao bem-estar ideais. Essas sessões são gravadas para sua comodidade, para que você possa revisitá-las quando quiser.
Para acessar essa riqueza de conhecimento e sessões interativas, estamos introduzindo uma pequena taxa de assinatura de US$ 50 por mês, paga anualmente (US$ 600 por ano), dando a você acesso ilimitado à biblioteca Tayapro Mediverse e a muitas ofertas.
Convidamos você a embarcar nesta jornada notável para uma saúde e bem-estar ideais, juntando-se à comunidade Tayapro Mediverse. A sua presença e participação enriqueceriam enormemente o nosso conhecimento e experiência colectiva.
Junte-se a nós hoje e faça parte de uma comunidade que prospera na busca pela saúde e bem-estar ideais. Aguardamos a sua presença e participação ativa no Tayapro Mediverse.
Para ingressar e se inscrever em nossa comunidade, visite https://tayapro.com/tayapromedivese/shop/product/access-to-tayapro-mediverse-yearly-subscription, entre em contato pelo telefone 952-522-4949 para qualquer dúvida.
Obrigado por considerar nosso convite e esperamos recebê-lo no Tayapro Mediverse em breve.
Benoît Tano, MD PhD
Audio/MP3: https://revoicer.s3.amazonaws.com/voices/2503826_1701579473.mp3
Carta abierta a nuestros amigos:
Queridos amigos,
Espero que esta carta lo encuentre con la mejor salud y buen humor. Estamos encantados de invitarlos a ustedes, nuestros valiosos pacientes, médicos dedicados, estimados profesionales de la salud y aspirantes a estudiantes de medicina a unirse a la comunidad Tayapro Mediverse.
Tayapro Mediverse es un paraíso digital que ofrece una extensa biblioteca de recursos para mejorar su comprensión de la salud y el bienestar óptimos. Estos recursos incluyen libros digitales, audiolibros esclarecedores, atractivos cursos en vídeo y cursos en vivo bajo demanda. Nuestro equipo ha seleccionado cuidadosamente esta colección para capacitar a los miembros de nuestra comunidad con conocimientos transformadores. Estos recursos invaluables están disponibles en varios idiomas, incluidos inglés, francés, español y portugués, con planes de traducción a muchos más idiomas a medida que crece el interés de nuestra comunidad.
Uno de los aspectos más destacados de Tayapro Mediverse son nuestras reuniones semanales de los sábados, donde nos reunimos para dos horas esclarecedoras de sesiones de preguntas y respuestas. Nuestro equipo está comprometido a responder sus preguntas, compartir conocimientos de expertos y fomentar un entorno de colaboración dedicado a la salud y el bienestar óptimos. Estas sesiones se graban para su comodidad para que pueda volver a visitarlas cuando lo desee.
Para acceder a esta riqueza de conocimientos y sesiones interactivas, presentamos una pequeña tarifa de suscripción de $50 por mes, pagada anualmente ($600 por año), lo que le brinda acceso ilimitado a la biblioteca Tayapro Mediverse y muchas ofertas.
Lo invitamos a embarcarse en este extraordinario viaje hacia una salud y bienestar óptimos uniéndose a la comunidad Tayapro Mediverse. Su presencia y participación enriquecerían enormemente nuestro conocimiento y experiencia colectivos.
Únase a nosotros hoy y forme parte de una comunidad que prospera en la búsqueda de una salud y bienestar óptimos. Esperamos contar con su presencia y participación activa en Tayapro Mediverse.
Para unirse y suscribirse a nuestra comunidad, visite el sitio web: https://tayapro.com/tayapromedivese/shop/product/access-to-tayapro-mediverse-yearly-subscription, o contáctenos al 952-522-4949 para cualquier consulta.
Gracias por considerar nuestra invitación y esperamos darle la bienvenida a Tayapro Mediverse pronto.
Benoît Tano, MD PhD
Audio/MP3: https://revoicer.s3.amazonaws.com/voices/2504010_1701581940.mp3
Introduction to Dr. Benoit Tano, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Benoit Tano is a remarkable figure in medicine; his extensive expertise and groundbreaking contributions set him apart as a true pioneer in Integrative Immunity. With a distinguished background in medicine, economics, and research, Dr. Tano has forged an illustrious career characterized by profound insights, revolutionary approaches, and a relentless dedication to improving patient well-being.
Dr. Tano, MD, is a distinguished specialist who has redefined the landscape of Integrative Immunity. As the founder of the Integrative Immunity Health System (I-IHS) PC, with offices in Edina, Minnesota, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Bismarck, North Dakota, he has laid the foundation for a holistic healthcare approach that blends conventional medicine, environmental awareness, functional medicine, integrative medicine, nutrition, lifestyle modifications, and complementary practices to provide unparalleled patient care.
Dr. Tano's academic journey is a testament to his unwavering commitment to excellence. After graduating from the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, he completed his Internal Medicine Residency and Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Research Fellowship at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus, including a pivotal year at GlaxoSmithKline in Research Triangle Park, NC, where he contributed to the Respiratory Global Health Outcomes Group as part of his Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Research Fellowship.
His pursuit of knowledge led him to a Clinical Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center in Baltimore, solidifying his expertise in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. This academic odyssey culminated in his certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 2002 and the American Board of Allergy and Immunology in 2006.
Dr. Tano's achievements extend beyond his medical prowess. Armed with a Ph.D. in Economics, he served as an esteemed professor of Economics at The University of Toledo for seven years before embarking on his medical journey. His interdisciplinary background equips him with a unique perspective, integrating economic insights with medical knowledge and fostering innovative solutions to complex challenges.
One of Dr. Tano's most significant contributions is his groundbreaking concept of "Integrative Immunity." This paradigm-shifting approach, coined in 2014, underscores the integration of diverse modalities to manage and prevent immunity and endocrine-related diseases. His pioneering spirit led to the establishment of the Integrative Immunity Health System PC, an entity dedicated to educating healthcare professionals, patients, and the public about the transformative potential of this approach.
At the heart of Dr. Tano's philosophy is a commitment to empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. His visionary work synergizes conventional medicine with integrative and functional medicine therapies, crafting a comprehensive system that optimizes immunity, endocrine functions, and overall health. As a result, patients experience holistic healing that addresses underlying root causes rather than just symptomatic relief.
Dr. Tano's authoritative voice has reverberated throughout and beyond the medical community. His eloquent insights have appeared in research journals, and he has graced the stages of numerous professional conferences as a respected lecturer. His expertise earned him membership in prestigious organizations such as the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).
Furthermore, Dr. Tano's profound influence extends into the literary realm. He authored the Amazon Number One Bestselling book "The Layman's Guide to Integrative Immunity," an accessible guide that demystifies the Integrative Immunity approach for a broad audience. He also penned "Hormone Imbalance Syndrome: America's Silent Plague," shedding light on the insidious impact of hormonal imbalances on health and offering practical strategies for treatment and prevention. He is currently writing the Optimal Health Secrets and The Prison Economy Secrets series to expand further the impact of environmental toxins, hormonal imbalance, infections, and nutrient deficiencies on the plethora of chronic diseases. He has published The Prison Economy Secrets Volume I, II, and III and The Estrogen-Free Lifestyle this year.
Dr. Tano's impactful journey showcases his profound accomplishments and unwavering commitment to addressing pressing societal challenges. His vision extends beyond medicine, as he seeks to impact and contribute to resolving complex issues that shape the modern world.
As a prominent thought leader, Dr. Tano recognizes the far-reaching implications of his work. By uncovering the intricate connections between environmental factors, hormonal imbalances, and chronic diseases, he strives to bridge the gap between conventional medicine and functional and integrative approaches to wellness. This bridging is evident in his collaborative efforts with various medical organizations, including the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, where he plays an instrumental role in the Integrative Medicine Fellowship Program.
One of Dr. Tano's most remarkable achievements lies in his dedication to providing holistic healthcare that transcends the confines of traditional medical practices. His Integrative Immunity approach is a beacon of hope for patients seeking comprehensive solutions to chronic ailments. Drawing upon disciplines such as functional medicine, environmental medicine, and lifestyle modifications, he offers patients a multifaceted path to recovery.
Dr. Tano's exceptional prowess lies in his ability to view patients as whole beings, intricately interconnected with their environment and emotions. He champions a patient-centric approach that considers physical, emotional, and environmental factors essential to well-being. By addressing the interplay between these elements, he redefines the concept of healing, guiding patients toward lasting health and vitality.
Dr. Tano's journey thus far is marked by accomplishments that transcend the ordinary and venture into the extraordinary. However, his ambitions continue beyond his current successes. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and an unyielding dedication to progress, he is continuously expanding his expertise to address new challenges in the dynamic landscape of the 21st century.
Dr. Tano's commitment to understanding the broader societal context is evident in his expansion into fields beyond traditional medicine. By delving into the realms of the Prison Industrial Complex, jobs and relationships matching markets, and other interdisciplinary areas, he positions himself as a catalyst for innovative solutions to contemporary issues. This multidisciplinary approach underscores his capacity to think beyond the conventional, seeking to bridge gaps and offer insights that can lead to transformative change.
Beyond his clinical practice, Dr. Tano is an accomplished educator and visionary. His impact extends through various mediums, from engaging lectures at professional conferences to his bestselling literary works. His books, including "The Layman's Guide to Integrative Immunity," "Hormone Imbalance Syndrome: America's Silent Plague," "The Prison Economy Secrets Series," "The Optimal Health Secrets Series," and many more, serve as valuable resources that empower individuals to take charge of their health journey and their lives.
Dr. Tano's dedication to education is not limited to patients alone. He founded the Integrative Immunity Mentorship Program, a testament to his commitment to elevating the healthcare landscape. By equipping fellow practitioners with the tools and knowledge to implement Integrative Immunity Protocols, he furthers his mission of transforming healthcare from within. This mentorship program fosters better patient outcomes and addresses practitioner burnout, ensuring caregivers receive the support they need.
Dr. Benoit Tano's remarkable achievements, groundbreaking insights, and innovative approach paint a portrait of a visionary leader who has and continues to redefine modern medicine's boundaries. With an unyielding dedication to improving patient care, he has developed a holistic approach that marries conventional medical practices with integrative principles, fostering a new wellness era that transcends traditional treatment's constraints.
As a pioneer in Integrative Immunity, Dr. Tano's legacy extends far beyond his impressive credentials. His ability to synthesize diverse disciplines and his empathetic and patient-centric approach make him a trailblazer poised to revolutionize the healthcare landscape. His vision, exemplified through his mentorship program, publications, and unwavering commitment to holistic well-being, sets him apart as a beacon of hope for a healthier and more harmonious future.
In conclusion, Dr. Benoit Tano, M.D., Ph.D., is a visionary healer, educator, and thought leader who brings an unparalleled depth of expertise and a pioneering spirit to the field of Integrative Immunity. His multifaceted contributions and transformative philosophies testify to his unwavering commitment to revolutionizing healthcare and empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being. Through his trailblazing efforts, he is creating a legacy of excellence that promises to shape the course of modern medicine for generations to come.
A standout trait that sets Dr. Tano apart from his peers is his unwavering dedication to empowerment. He firmly believes that informed individuals are better equipped to take control of their health, and he actively fosters this empowerment through his books, lectures, and mentorship programs. His "Layman's Guide to Integrative Immunity" is a beacon of knowledge for those seeking to understand and improve their immune and endocrine systems. By demystifying complex medical concepts, he empowers readers to make informed decisions about their well-being.
Dr. Tano's influence also extends to fellow healthcare practitioners. His creation of the Integrative Immunity Mentorship Program is a testament to his commitment to elevating the entire healthcare ecosystem. By sharing his expertise and insights, he ensures that his pioneering approach reaches a broad audience of healthcare practitioners and is not limited to his practice. This program facilitates a ripple effect, with practitioners nationwide and beyond implementing integrative immunity protocols and transforming patient care.
In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, Dr. Benoit Tano emerges as a trailblazer who navigates and actively shapes change. His credentials, accomplishments, and contributions portray a multifaceted visionary who defies categorization. Dr. Tano stands as a testament to the potential of human ingenuity and determination from his pioneering concept of Integrative Immunity to his holistic patient care, from his educational endeavors to his interdisciplinary explorations.
His legacy is one of medical breakthroughs and transformative ideas that challenge conventions and transcend boundaries. Dr. Tano's commitment to addressing the root causes of 21st-century chronic diseases through an integrative approach exemplifies his ability to innovate and envision a future where health and well-being are harmoniously intertwined.
In medicine, Dr. Benoit Tano is not merely a practitioner but a catalyst for change, an educator, and a visionary reshaping the healthcare landscape. His unique blend of expertise, compassion, and foresight positions him as a force to reckon with—a force that continues to lead us toward a future where wellness is not just a goal but a way of life.